What type of technologies are used in distance education?

Online Overseas Education Consultancy (OOEC) has been giving its best in abroad education since last 5 years. OOEC provides the best PhD admission consultants in Pune and has also helped many students to pursue abroad education easily. OOEC has matched the pace of this digital world by introducing online education system from foreign universities in India.

·     Audioconference

An audioconference allows instructors and students to connect with each other via telephone lines for real-time conversation. Course duration is scheduled and can also add the whole class or small groups.

·         Multimedia

Students can get study material on CD, DVD, audiocassettes, videocassettes, or other storage devices. Multimedia courses can be in the form of text, audio, video, graphics, or other forms.

·         Online

Online courses are web-based courses and are given over the internet. Different course management systems like D2L, WebCT, Blackboard, and others are used to manage content, interaction, activities, and assessment. There are some courses which may require hardware and software.

·         Print

Study material or textbooks are sent to students via email. Students also send their lessons via email, fax, or may be mail. Assignments, course completion, and exams are tutor-supported within a scheduled timeframe.

·         Videoconference

There is a two-way interaction between the tutor and students in videoconference. Everyone can easily see and speak with others in the conference to discuss different topics. Videoconferencing sites are located across the world in public and private domains, along with government, schools, agencies, and businesses.

·         Webcast

To capture and record video, audio, slides, and other digital data, webcast is used. After capturing, it synchronizes the data as a uniform streamed media presentation. Students can see the course either live by using internet or later using links. Tutors can communicate with students thorough different mediums like email, chat, scheduled audioconferences, or other means.

·         Web-conference

A web-conference is a combination of both a web browser for videos and visuals and an audioconference for communication. Tutors and students interact and collaborate in real-time. Students can receive and share graphics, add text, draw, navigate websites, give documents, and utilize web chat.

Online education is the future of education system as everything will be online in upcoming years. Online Overseas Education Consultancy is known for delivering quality services and offers the best PhD admission consultants in India. Students who are planning for overseas education can consult OOEC for best PhD admission assistance in India.


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